Holding Space in Space
Everything you need to know about becoming a virtual doula and showing up (even when you’re not allowed to)
Your Postpartum-centric guide to supporting families virtually.
This is a professional development container to discuss the present and ongoing challenges to adapting postpartum doula support to the virtual sphere.
In this class we will cover adapting your practice and supporting families virtually and how to “show up” (even when you’re not allowed to.) There will be space for: How to set up your virtual doula space and the tools you need to do so, how to ground yourself in this spacey container and feel confident and turning your doula bag into a doula jet pack and why.
We’ll cover Postpartum Planning in the virtual space (it’s more important than EVER) including Nourishment & Meal Planning - Sibling Prep - Physical Healing - Mental Health in a crisis - Infant Care & Infant Feeding - Galvanizing Rings of Support - Referrals and Resources - Advocacy.
We will also dive into Postpartum Support in the virtual space including Active Listening and emotional support - Informational Support - Physical healing and comfort measures - How to do demos (and when not to) - Partner Support - Bolstering self care rituals - What actually is holding space - Cooking together - Grounding and nervous system regulation - Containers of care
We also hit topics like contracts, value, pricing, packages, keeping up with and checking in on clients, how to compile virtual resources and more.
Looking forward to seeing you...in space!
Your Instructor
Laura Interlandi and Erica Livingston, co-founders of Birdsong Brooklyn, are in their 4th year of mentoring doulas online. Through their Mentorship Program SEEN they have helped over 125 doulas on 5 continents, take their wheel of service to the next level. Giving abundantly from their many passions, Erica and Laura invite you into their friendship and have a knack for making the tiny boxes on Zoom feel truly connected. Whether you tend the threshold of birth, death or anything in between - Laura and Erica will support you as you support your community.